VANITY MAKEUP has an ongoing commitment to achieving the highest levels of satisfaction for all aspects of its customers' online experiences. As part of these efforts, VANITY MAKEUP is dedicated to offering a quality online experience at its website (the "Website") to customers with disabilities that is full and equal to that provided to customers without disabilities.
To assist in achieving the aforementioned accessibility goals with respect to the Website, VANITY MAKEUP has committed to the Website being designed, developed, and operated in substantial conformance with generally-recognized and accepted guidelines and/or standards for website accessibility (the "Standards"). While these Standards may change and/or evolve over time, they are currently the World Wide Web Consortium's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 2.0/2.1 at Levels A and AA ("WCAG").
We are continuously implemementing technology improvements to enhance accessibility on our site. As we contiue tostrive toward our goal of promoting accessibilty, we welcome your feedback on how we might improve. If you have difficulty accessign any feature or functionality of this website, please feel free to email us at